Tag Archives: future

The Bigger Picture

It is hard to have hope sometimes.  This is simply because we do not see the big picture and we allow ourselves to despair and to get discouraged.  I love the beginning of this talk by Dallin H. Oaks.  He says:

“In the famous movie The African Queen, two refugees from World War I violence in East Africa are trying to reach the relative safety of Lake Victoria. After surviving many near disasters, their boat, The African Queen, is stranded in a marsh. Unable to tell which way the current is flowing and surrounded by high growth, the two refugees become disoriented and discouraged. At the end of their energy and faith, they are about to give up and die.

Then, in a moment of high drama, the camera through which we are viewing their peril rises, and with new perspective we see their true location. Out of sight to them, but just a few meters away, are the long-sought liberating waters of Lake Victoria.

The gospel of Jesus Christ explains our journey in mortality and shows us our destination in eternity. Like the refugees on The African Queen, we are fleeing evil and disaster. There are obstacles all around us. We labor hard to reach our goals. Sometimes we see no signs of progress. We can become exhausted and discouraged. We may even lose sight of our destination. But we must not give up. If we could only see above our current circumstances and know our true location on the journey to eternal life, we would realize what great progress we are making.”

With Christ we are able to see a bigger picture.  As we rely on Him we are able to get through the tougher times that we have in our lives.  If you want to read the entire talk.  Feel free by following this link:  The Gospel Culture